Friday, July 17, 2009

Conserva the fresh taste

Pizza Antica

I had the gift of being at loose ends one recent Saturday at lunchtime, and thought I'd revisit Pizza Antica in Mill Valley's Strawberry Village. It was a nice day and everyone inside and out seemed to be in a mellow mood.

1/2 Caesar Salad

What I was in the mood for was light and simple. Knowing that the portions of salads here were quite large, although it was not an option listed on the menu, I asked the waitstaff if I could have a half-order of the salad. "Sure", she said with a smile. And out came the most perfectly dressed, fresh and crisp half Caesar salad!

Spaghettini with Tomato Conserva, Garlic and Basil

For the main event, I ordered the Spaghettini with Tomato Conserva, Garlic and Basil. Wow! I was a little leery since there was a bit of mental connection between something called 'conserva' and 'canned'. If that sauce was canned, I hope they have a patent on the methodology because the sauce was concentrated without tasting acidic, rather tasting like there were very fresh tomatoes in it. I was happy with my lunch!

Restaurant Inspection Results
Critical: 1
Noncritical: 0
Last inspected: 2/9/2009

Previously reviewed:
February 19, 2009
November 6, 2008
July 12, 2007

Find address/phone number/directions on Anna's Map.

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