Saturday, March 01, 2008

Paradise Bay

Quiet evening.
Dad & I enjoyed a warm and quiet evening over at Paradise Bay the other day. The ambiance was good, and the waitstaff attentive.

Niman Ranch Burger

Dad enjoyed a Niman Ranch burger, which the chef specially flattened to make it easier for him to eat. He enjoyed it and said we could come back here for a burger any time. He also liked the balance of the bun, not too hard, yet it held together.

Scottish Salmon with Lobster Stuffed potato

I was tempted by their Scottish salmon with lobster and corn stuffed baked potato. Need I say more? It was delicious, and the salmon was cooked to be well grilled yet moist. And the potato could have been eaten as a meal itself.

Previously reviewed:
June 16, 2007
December 6, 2006

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