Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Thai in the Heartland

A Taste of Thai

Last month I visited Fayetteville, AR for a short business trip and enjoyed the atmosphere of a place new to me. The first night we arrived, we were given an enthusiastic recommendation of "A Taste of Thai" from the hotel staff. They weren't the only ones who knew about this place as we found that we had a short wait to secure seats.

House Vegetable Soup

We started with a cup of the House Vegetable soup which contained chopped small zucchini, cabbage. cauliflower, and celery with clear vegetable broth. I always have a small fear that these type of vegetarian soups will be thin and watery, and was pleased to find this one was light and flavorful.

Poh Pia Tod

We then had some Poh Pia Tod, which is Thai Spring Rolls. The rolls were filled with clear noodles and mixed vegetables, deep fried and served with sweet and sour sauce with ground peanuts. These came to the table piping hot and were quite a tasty treat.

Pad Woon Sen Tofu

I tried the Pad Woon Sen Tofu as my main dish which is stir fried crystal bean noodles with fried tofu, black mushrooms, bamboo shoots, cabbage, carrots, celery and green onion. I really enjoyed this light, yet filling dish.

Ma Kur Yao

An eggplant fan, Michael tried the Ma Kur Yao. This dish featured sliced eggplant sauteed with tofu, garlic and basil. Although he didn't feel it deserved superlatives, it was a solidly good dish.

We enjoyed our time and the friendly service, and no doubt we'll visit this place again and try out more of their extensive vegetarian choices on a future trip to Fayetteville.

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