Thursday, January 07, 2010

Daniel's Birthday


Again rolls around Daniel's birthday, and this time he chose Zachary's Chicago Pizza in Berekely as the venue to gather his friends. I've heard nothing but good things about Zachary's since moving here in 1997, and somehow I'd never made it there until now. Partly it could be that I've never been a fan of Chicago style thick pizza... seems sooo heavy. It's a good thing to go somewhere despite your preconceived notions, since the pizza was fabulous!

Zachary's Interior

The interior walls are well covered with awards and amusing posters about eating at Zachary's.

Mediterranean and Super Veggie

Daniel ordered four large pizzas, Mediterranean, Super Veggie,

Spinach & Mushroom and Roasted Red Pepper

Spinach Mushroom, and Roasted Red Pepper. All were delicious according to my tastebuds, and reports of the other 9 people around the table.

Super Veggie Slice

Here's a close up of my slice of Super Veggie. It was so stuffed with vegetables that it lightened it up.

Sugarless Pecan Pie

Miraculously, I found a no sugar added pecan pie after search four bakeries for something non-sugar per Daniel's request. The ingredient list ready rather spookily, but it actually tasted quite fine. We had a little fun with Daniel's candles. Happy Birthday Daniel!

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