Tuesday, June 02, 2009

What's Happened to Anna?

Hello my dear readers, I am sorry to have been suddenly absent so long. I fell ill with the H1N1 virus on May 16th, the evening of the previous post! For me, it was no 'mild' virus. It weakened my system such that I got follow on secondary infections. I am now recovering from those, double pneumonia and cellulitis on the lower right leg. My father fell ill on Saturday, we have to assume it is H1N1 too, however his symptoms are thankfully milder, and the Marin County Public Health department kindly sent over some Tamiflu for him. I have been surrounded by a wonderful doctor and staff, and good friends who are getting me through this. I am over the smell of food making me feel nauseous, however, I'm not in full food exploration mode yet, and have not been out of the house except to the doctor and hospital. I have turned the corner, and hope to be back to my usual adventures in the near future. But for now, it's still lots of rest and water. I will post as I can. Stay well!


  1. I'm glad to hear your on the mend. I miss your blog and follow it daily. I visit Mill Valley often as my sister lives there, I love looking at all the places you write about. I hope you're better soon and out finding finds for us all once again.

    Sincerly, Judy in SLC

  2. I'm so relieved that you and your dad are ok. I was worried (and I also really missed my daily reading of your blog). Keep feeling better!
    All my best,

  3. It's charming to see that you have the energy to find this PERFECT illustration for your post.
    Healthy hopes and wishes for you both.
    (Meanwhile, I go around saying, "I actually know someone who got swine flu! KNOW her!" Like it makes us famous. I am such a dip.)

  4. I too am relieved. Thanks so much for letting us all know. I am a devoted follower and will keep watching for your return to the noble pursuit of wonderful food.

  5. Glad to hear you are doing better. I was worried when you had not posted after a few days.

  6. Take it easy and get well soon!

  7. Hope you are feeling much better very soon!

  8. Anna-
    Heard through Zoomie that you were ill but I had no idea how serious that illness was. I'm glad you're on the other side of all the complications and that your father is being looked after so well. Take care -- and welcome back!

  9. Sending healing thoughts your way! Hang in there!
