Friday, June 05, 2009

To Market, To Market


I roused myself out of the house today, I mean it's opening day of the new Mill Valley Farmers Market! How could I miss that! Now open for the season every Friday between 9 - 2.

Mill Valley Farmers Market

It was smallish, but it was the opening day. There were plenty of people looking about and a nice variety of things to buy.

Rainier Cherries, Samosas, Free Whole Foods Bag

Whole Foods gave out free reusable bags, and I picked up a 'large' basket of Rainier Cherries for $7, and two of Sukki's samosas for $4. I had a samosa and left over Pad Thai for lunch, with a few of those luscious cherries for dessert. My appetite is returning!


  1. So glad you're up and around! I wasn't able to get to the Mill Valley FM, but I've gone to the Tam Valley one and really enjoyed it. It's on Tuesdays from 3:00 to 7:00 and is held at the Tam Valley Community Center. I got some incredible organic strawberries there this week.

  2. I'm glad to hear you are better enough to venture out - and what a lovely incentive!

  3. Glad to see you are feeling better. Rainier cherries are my favorite but so expensive in the DC metro area. I usually have to treat myself when they are on sale.

  4. The first days of outdoor market season are always the best!

    We're a primary and secondary producer market in the Annapolis Valley, in Nova Scotia, Canada. In our 17th year we now boast over 50 vendors year round (even as the fields are covered in snow!) To learn more about the Wolfville Farmers' Market, visit

    Devin, Info Coordinator, Wolfville Farmers' Market.
