Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nautical Breakfast


Dad and I stopped by Winship Restaurant in Sausalito one morning to enjoy a late breakfast. This restaurant was designed like the deck of a ship and has one of the best nautical themes of any restaurant I've experienced. Casual, comfortable and friendly, the waiter was prompt and helpful.

Tea for one

On that rather foggy morning, I was delightfully surprised to find what a large pot of tea comes standard. We were in no hurry, and the time of year is a little slower for restaurants this end of town, so we had a very unhurried time sipping and talking and savoring.

Scrambled Eggs with  Hickory Smoked Bacon

Dad wanted something simple, so he chose two scrambled eggs with hickory smoked bacon and home fries. He was quite content with his choice and commented on the flavorful bacon.

Poached Eggs over Salmon Potato Cakes

I felt more adventurous, and tried the Poached Eggs on Grilled Salmon Potato Cakes. The grilled salmon cakes were nicely filled with salmon bits, but be warned, these are VERY dense. Good like gnocchi is good, but it's filling. In retrospect, although the home fries were quite tasty as well, I would have lightened this up a bit by ordering tomato slices on the side.

Foggy Sausalito

Even at mid-morning it was a pretty foggy day in Sausalito, but still lovely. Winships is also near the Sausalito Ferry Terminal, so it could be a fun treat to ride the ferry to and get away from this city for a bit!

Restaurant Inspection Results
Critical: 0
Noncritical: 0
Last inspected: 10/17/2008

Previously reviewed:
December 24, 2006

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