Monday, April 28, 2008

In for a dime in for a dollar...

Sweet Million F1 Tomato plant

See my first tomato plant, the "Sweet Million F1". Googling this, I find among other things that this plant can produce over 500 tomatoes (1" in diameter)! Thanks to my many friends including blogging friends who have encouraged me to try. It's amusing that I have to grow these in full sun while I have to move them into the shade for a good picture! (yes Cookiecrumb, I've been observing the sun pattern on my deck - and am assigning my retired Dad to move the plant around when he's here and I'm not... he grew up on a farm, so he loved the idea!)

Hopeful for Harvest

It's a little prior to the May 1st recommended date, but I wanted to get it into a real pot as I'm leaving town for some business and thought the larger pot may retain the water better for it. Another gardening friend told me I need to be sure and stake it. So I picked up a wire cage like thing. I already had the pot, but I did have to invest in the rolling stand, the wire, potting soil and the plant. As long as I can take care of it well, if I really get 500 tomatoes it will be a bargain, and the cost next year will be even lower since I can reuse things. But beyond the cost, vine ripened fruit are the best! And I'm hopeful since my lettuces seem to be growing healthily!


  1. Hooray for homegrown tomatoes. (And you don't even want to know how much I've invested in growboxes, topsoil, plants, and a few new tomato cages!)

  2. I'm so happy for you! You will surely get your 500 little babies; good luck.
    Just so you know, Cranky and I used to fight over who got to roll the tomatoes around on the deck. It's a privilege, and your dad has been honored.
