Monday, March 31, 2008

English by the Sea

Pelican Inn

I went with family (while ago now, time flies!) to have some lunch one weekend at the Pelican Inn, near Muir Beach. It was a gorgeous day, and we were all primed for some English pub fare, which is what this place excels at, besides beautiful surroundings of course.

F&C with Peas

I enjoyed their Fish & Chips, and always love the peas they serve with it.

Bangers and Mash

And one of the men enjoyed Bangers & Mash, and offered up bits of bangers to others who all agreed it was great.

Shepherd's Pie

Another person hankered after the Shepherd's Pie and enjoyed it as well.

Chicken Salad

And the report on the Chicken Salad came back that the chicken was tender yet well grilled and the greens fabulous! And the locals among us decided we'd definitely come back for their weekend brunch soon. A lovely place to get some sea air and country relaxation.

Previously Reviewed:
September 19, 2007
July 29, 2005

1 comment:

  1. Another of our faves, the Pelican is particularly enjoyable when you can sit out in their glass-enclosed back patio!
