Sunday, December 30, 2007

Annie's BIstro

Fun evening in San Francisco. Before Christmas, I met Dr. Kato & Sachiko again in the city for a wonderful dinner at a very romantic restaurant, Annie's Bistro. We were the only party in an increasingly full restaurant where all the couples were gazing longingly into each other eyes.

Broccoli Soup

They only had one bowl of Broccoli Soup left, so our guest Dr. Kato enjoyed it.

Beet Salad

Sachiko and I ordered the Roasted Beet Salad, which consisted of organic red and yellow beets, haricot vert, feta cheese, topped with basil lemon vinaigrette. It was quite good.

Crab Cakes & Sauteed Spinach

Unfortunately, the photo of Dr. Kato's main dish, the rack of lamb came out exceptionally blurry, but the dish itself looked good and tasted divine. He gave us each a taste. Sachiko also enjoyed her Dungeness Crab Cakes with spicy pepper sauce and mixed greens and Sauteed Spinach with shallots.

Ravioli with Almonds and pesto

My Ravioli filled with ricotta and topped with pesto, toasted almonds and a mild cheese was also very good.

Fruit Fondue dessert

We topped it off by sharing a Fondue with fruit and chocolate. All the fruit was perfectly ripe, and there were also some chunks of pound cake to dip. The smooth chocolate paired well, and we lingered, dipped and as our final dinner topic, talked about romance and the importance of saying "I love you". Obviously the mood of the place was affecting us! My friends and I enjoyed Annie's Bistro and would definitely come back again. And naturally, this is definitely a good place for a romantic dinner!

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