Saturday, December 29, 2007

Chao Praya

Delish Thai Food Find.
I'm lucky to have such good friends thinking of me on my birthday, yes, I'm reporting on yet another birthday meal! It was more like a birthday week. I met my friend Daniel at Chao Praya, a place that has been quite popular in Novato, but my first visit.

Spring Rolls

First off we had a spring roll appetizer to start and shake off the cold. It was good, and hinted at the wonderful treat of a meal we were about to enjoy. The chef was liberal in his use of vegetables cut in flowers and other decorative shapes.

Chao Praya Noodles

I ordered the Chao Praya noodles which the menu said consisted of rice noodles covered in a green curry sauce with shitake mushrooms, shrimp and scallops. The scallops were absent in the dish delivered, but there were twice the shrimp and it was just delicious. When you disturbed the noodles, the most wonderful aroma wafted around the table. This is a winning dish.

Stir fried shrimp with vegetables

Daniel ordered the shrimp stir fried with vegetables. We had some discussion trying to determine the difference on the menu between two identical items except one said sauteed and the other stir fried. Who knows after all, but he was quite happy with the stir fried ones. This was some of the best food I've had in Novato to date, and this is definitely worth your while to try.

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