Saturday, October 13, 2007


Ambiance and deliciousness over come rain.
It was quite the rainy day yesterday, and a couple weeks before the bay area usually experiences rain. Those who are worried about a drought were certainly cheering thinking this may be a good sign of enough rain this winter. And the flower boxes loved it. I took the photo of Rooney's Cafe & Grill from the side since these were so vibrant here.

Poached Scottish Salmon

Dad and I went out to beat the rainy day gloom by having a nice dinner, and a movie next door at the Tiburon Playhouse. We had belly laughs at Death at a Funeral after a lovely dinner. I'm afraid the dim light didn't allow me to take photos that show the food to its fullest advantage, but I can assure you it was presented beautifully, and more importantly it tasted great. Dad enjoyed every last bite of his Poached Scottish Salmon over fingerling potatoes, fresh green beans and English cucumbers.

African Chicken

I was drawn to African Chicken. And I was delighted with how well it fit with phase two of the South Beach diet, a modest amount of brown rice, sweet potatoes, avocado, egg and of course chicken breast in a smooth peanut sauce. I have to admit that the chicken itself resembled nothing I'd ever tasted in Africa, meaning that it was boneless and tender, whilst in Africa it was always on the bone, and truly tough. But you were grateful it wasn't roasted goat! I love the continual inventiveness of this kitchen and it was fun to have tastes reminiscent of Africa, with high quality ingredients. I reviewed Rooney's last for lunch in December 2006, I can't believe so many months have passed since my last visit!

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