Friday, August 10, 2007

Harmony Restaurant

Harmony with friends.
Elle and her sweetie, Charlie joined my father, Charles and I at Harmony Restaurant in Mill Valley. Apparently I did a good job describing the food here in February and July as Elle requested we try this place. The chef did not fail us! We had a wonderful evening of chatting and enjoying dishes that were prepared with fresh local ingredients and perfectly executed and flavored. When Elle posts her description, I'll add a link here to her post. Elle writes Feeding My Enthusiasms and is quite a daring baker.


Since Elle will be covering this with a fresh voice, I won't post the meal in detail, but I do want to point out the amazing fried calamari. It uses the 'steak' part of the sea creature rather than just rings and tentacles. On top of it there was an amazing topping of minced and deep fried garlic. This now will be so tempting to pass by when we go!


  1. Anna, it was a wonderful evening at a great restaurant. I never would have tried it without you. I just posted my version. Those calamari were good, weren't they? It was great fun meeting your dad, too.

  2. i wish i would have a wonderful evening like you.
