Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Go Giants!

We are just having serious fun!  My Dad is calling the pitches with the rest looking on and cheering.  Glen, Art, Jonathon, Toran and Aurelia are all here while Jo-Ann is racing to sew up the Halloween costumes for the kids.  My little niece Collette came through surgery for an aneurysm with flying colors today as well.  Much to celebrate.  As I write this we are at the top of the 9th with SF Giants leading 11 to 4.  It doesn't get better!
We're celebrating with hot dogs and SusieCakes Giants cupcakes!


  1. Now, we've seen Game Two and we are celebrating even more! Fingers crossed for a World Series win, in which case you should add champagne to your cupcakes and hot dogs!

  2. Wow this looks absolutely good and probably taste delicious. I can’t wait to try this at home.
