Weekend Herb Blogging #237 is hosted here this coming week - June 7 - 13 so put your herb hats on if you'd like to participate. Participants start by reading the rules before posting and sending me their entry. Haalo of Cook Almost Anything is the organizer of this event originally started by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen. By the way, I met the delightful Kalyn in Salt Lake City over the Memorial Day Weekend. More on that in a future post.
Entries should be submitted by the following times:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time
Send your posts to anna AT annalou DOT com
with WHB#237 in the subject line and the following details:
- Your Name
- Your Blog Name/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your Location
- a photo sized:328px wide
Hey Anna, very fun to meet you in person at last!