Tuesday, June 08, 2010

How sweet it is!

Sweet Things

I had the opportunity to taste some sweet little bites from Sweet Things in Tiburon and I knew that I had to visit the origin of such delightful mouthfuls. Luckily it was not much of a drive from my Mill Valley condo to The Cove Shopping Center in Tiburon.

Mariebelle Hot Chocolate

Among the more usual selection of drinks on the board was Mariebelle Hot Chocolate which read that it was 60% cacao. I had to try it, and I was given a choice of whipped cream, chocolate shavings, cinnamon or combination to top it. I chose cinnamon. I enjoyed how it was sweet without being cloying.

Mud Puddle

I went over the top and ordered a Mud Puddle to go with my Mariebelle. The Mud Puddle is a cupcake with cooked meringue under the slide of fudge frosting. I won't kid you, it is very sweet, but what a treat!

Mini bites

Sweet Things also has some very tasty mini-bite cupcakes. It's a great idea for those who want a little something with coffee or tea and yet don't want a whole cupcake.

Vanilla Vanilla and

My box contained vanilla vanilla and fudge bites. Dad and I enjoyed some while watching Sherlock Holmes on On Demand. Dad said, "I could eat these again". High praise!

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