Saturday morning, friends Karen & Michael were dropping off a car for maintenance and invited me to meet them from brunch somewhere. I suggested Pier 15 as an enjoyable place to brunch on a sunny Saturday.
Karen and I both gravitated to the Dungeness Crab Benedict special. It was great! The crab was plentiful and very fresh!
Michael decided to try a signature dish, the Apple Pan Doré. It consists of thinly sliced French bread coated with egg batter and a fresh apple topping. The deck overlooking the inlet to the marina area was as bright and pleasant as previous experiences. The service was just right, and we enjoyed lingering and catching up with each others lives.
Restaurant Inspection Results
Critical: 1
Noncritical: 1
Previously reviewed:
July 5, 2007
Find address/phone number/directions on Anna's Map.
Sounds like a great place to go with good food!