Monday, October 19, 2009

Frog Hollow Farms

Frog Hollow Farms "Taylor"

Since I've been getting CSA items delivered each week, I have not visited Whole Foods very often. I was in the neighborhood yesterday, and decided to drop by. There was noticeably more 'local' items being promoted, and I found myself coming away with, among other things, this Frog Hollow Farm 'Taylor' variety Asian pear. It was delicious! It seemed to have hints of vanilla and made a perfect mid-day crisp snack for Dad & I.


  1. Frog Hollow fruit is great! I used to get a CSA box and it was a fun way to get produce, but it stressed me out too much, having to use everything before it went bad.

  2. I know what you mean by getting stressed out about not having your CSA box go bad.. I am experiencing the same with my 1/2 box of Capay Farms produce. However, I'm making it a little 'Iron Chef' challenge to myself to cook it all. And I still have a refrigerator drawer full of beets!
