Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Eating

Joe's Taco Lounge

Joe's Taco Lounge in Mill Valley has always had a happy and bright vibe where nearly everyone feels comfortable, and moods automatically brighten once you step in the door. On this summer evening, Dad and I met friend Catrina for a dinner and catch up.

Chicken Flauta

Catrina had these fabuolous Chicken Flautas. She said these were really good, and asked for another order as a take out for her husband who she was sure would love them too.

Vegetarian Platter

I had the Vegetarian Platter, which was colorful and delicious with a variety of items. A grilled pasilla chile, vegetable enchilada, salad, refried beans and rice all came artfully arranged. I added a side of sour cream. The pasilla was particularly interesting, stuffed with cornbread, chipolte, cheese and red pepper. I liked it.

Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Dad decided to go 'American' with a simple Grilled Chicken Sandwich and fries. He said that the spices sprinkled over the fries 'gives it a flavor', in a positive way! Joe's Taco Lounge is popular with bicyclists on weekends and families anytime.

Restaurant Inspection Results
Critical: 0
Noncritical: 0

Previously reviewed:
May 26, 2007

Find address/phone number/directions on Anna's Map.

1 comment:

  1. It was *packed* the time we tried it - must be very popular! Good chow, too, we thought.
