Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy 89th Charles!

Charles 89th birthday celebration

Today is my father's 89th birthday. Linda, Yalda, Olivia, Cassidy, Dad & I had a little celebration at The Garden in Novato last evening which was just delightful. This is the finale with Dad blowing out the candle on his slice of chocolate cake. Company was good, and so was the food and service. The waiter said it was birthday night as every table she was with during the evening was celebrating a birthday.


  1. Jeez, your Dad doesn't even have gray hair yet! Or does he use Grecian Formula? He looks great - give him a happy birthday greeting from us, please! I feel as if I know him even though I've never met the man.

  2. He looks good. Tell him I said so. Happy Birthday, Charles.

  3. Happy birthday to Charles! That was a nice way to celebrate the occasion.

  4. A very happy birthday to your Dad!
