Thursday, January 29, 2009

Change in Novato

Panda's Buffet curl

At some point it appears that Panda's Buffet slipped out of Novato.

Buffet Buffet

And Buffet Buffet has taken the same space. The sign highlights that it offers Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine. I'll have to try it out one day soon.

In other news, Anna's Cool Finds and the "A Taste of Terroir" event were mentioned in Wednesday's Marin IJ in Tidbits! I was surprised and flattered to receive an email from the IJ asking some background questions. I wrote an essay, and true to good reporters, she picked out the heart of the matter in a perfect summary. I've also found myself having to go find those "Oishinbo" manga she mentioned!

1 comment:

  1. I saw the article. That is so cool.Your blog is better that the IJ food section.
