Monday, December 01, 2008

Girls go

Go Girl

I was tempted to try this pink, bubbly liquid. Doesn't taste bad, something like Energen-C with more depth. It has good things in it without many calories (less than 5 for the can). Go Girl is an interesting entry into the drink market. I would probably not make this one a habit, but it's not unpleasant.


  1. Yeah! "Not unpleasant" is what I look for in many things.


  2. I guess ambivalence shines through...

  3. I discovered Go Girl a couple of years ago and I love the stuff!! Its a bit pricey, but a nice treat when you need a little lift!

  4. Diet Go Girl was OK but didn't seem to make me feel as good while I was actually exercising. I wonder if there's a danger of becoming dependent upon feeling like I need to drink an energy drink before I work out.
