Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Picnic at Agate Beach


Jonathon, Toran and I struck out for Duxbury Reef at Agate Beach near Bolinas today, while Jo-Ann took Aurelia to a birthday party, and my Dad relaxed then had his exercise appointment. We packed a very impromtu picnic, and found some seating at the beach where we spread out the food and enjoyed an expansive view of the ocean.

Agate Beach

Just sitting and listening to the waves and watching the surfers was quite relaxing. There must have been some Halloween revelry nearby as there were quite a few smashed pumpkin remains.

Toran and Bobby

There were also a lot of dogs on the beach, so Bobby the dog fit right in. Duxbury Reef had a lot of tidal pools, and Toran had some amusement leaning over to see clams and being squirted in the eye! It was a lovely day


  1. I've been to Bolinas a few times and it wasn't pretty. Especially when passing the bar down at the end, while making a right towards the beach. I get that though, it's a tight community and they don't want the huddled masses. Cheers to you!


  2. Rev. Biggles: Yes, it was actually a cultural adjustment, I mean, graffiti and broken boards all over? Doesn't seem like the pristine Marin -- but it does look like a place teenagers can make noise and have fun, which seems to be lacking in this neck of the woods.
