Monday, November 17, 2008

Over the mountain and through the redwoods to the sea

The Station House Cafe

Sunday was just a stellar weather day for the beach -- at least the beach that I prefer, one that won't earn me a lecture from the dermatologist. It was warm and sunny without the baking rays at the Pacific coast in West Marin. And I did have sunblock on! Dad and I meandered over to Pt. Reyes Station for some lunch at the ever-popular Station House Cafe.

Winter squash and sage lasagne

The Winter squash and Sage lasagne caught my eye. The waitress said 'That's GOOD', so I knew I had a winner before it even came out. The only problem was the size, but I boxed up half for another meal. It also included some spinach, and a ricotta cheese mixture. It's highly recommendable.

Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Dad went with a 'standard' Grilled Chicken sandwich that was enhanced by a basil aioli with the standard mozzarella, lettuce, onion and tomato. It was also generously portioned so Dad also took half his meal home, raving about how much he enjoyed it all the way. The Station House Cafe serves breakfast all day, and opens at 8 a.m. It also does some fabulous things with local oysters, such as a creamy oyster stew which I had the last time I visited.

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