Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mystery on the table

mystery produce

What is this? A family friend left this on the table when visiting Dad yesterday. When I saw it, I thought it was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. Do you know? Our friend cleared up the mystery for me later, and it was an 'oh yea!' moment. My friend Linda grows these in her garden, and has given me these in years past, but it didn't click until I actually heard the name.

P.S. This is very local, from a Point Reyes garden.


  1. Lemon cucumber, right? I love them!

  2. tis a lemon cucumber for sure. Tasty!

  3. i have no idea but is it cooked as a vegetable or eaten as fruit..hey anna, you only can crack that mystery for us.
