Monday, September 22, 2008


23andMe and the Geraniums

No not back in the normal world yet, but getting better. Did some reading.. thought what Sergey Brin did was rather interesting. And a long time friend, Zafar, has been encouraging me to try a similar service promoted by National Geographic, the Genographic Project. I succumbed to the price break and rich features of 23andMe. Since my grandfather on my mother's side is adopted, I'm thinking it may provide some interesting insights. And it might be good to see what the probabilities are of certain conditions in the future, which might perhaps be positively influenced by environmental factors I have control over. A foodie also finds it quite interesting that of all the ways to capture DNA - the test kit selects saliva. When I'm completely well, I'll be sending the little vial off and finding out in a few weeks what mysteries are solved or awaiting in my chromosomes.

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