Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Stellar Clam Chowder

Old Fisherman's Grotto

On the drive back to Long Beach Colin and I made a stop at Monterey's Old Fisherman's Wharf for lunch. Colin fell in love with the clam chowder samples given out in front of the Old Fisherman's Grotto, so guess where we went for lunch?

Clam Chowder

So we each ordered a cup of the Clam Chowder, and yes, it was stellar. I'd come back for it in a heartbeat. Creamy with a good clam aroma and taste, the clams were tender and plentiful as well.

Lobster Ravioli

Colin ordered the Lobster Ravioli. He said it tasted of clams, but it tasted like buoyant pillows of sweet lobster meat to me!

Sand Dabs

I enjoyed the Sand Dabs with freshly sauteed vegetables. The sand dabs were artfully arranged over some creamy mashed potatoes as well. A tangy lemon cream sauce finished off the flavors. I relished the dish!

Colin at the Monterey Old Fisherman's Wharf

I caught Colin in a perfect photo-op in front of the Old Fisherman's Wharf sign.

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