Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Italian films are back


I've been intrigued to see a sign recently for an Italian Buffet lunch on the window of Cinecitta in San Rafael. I was waiting for a good opportunity to check it out, which came yesterday. The buffet is reasonably priced at $8.50.


And I was pleased to see the Italian films back on the wall in HD! La Dolce Vita was playing as I enjoyed the buffet. I came rather late (2 ish - it is available until 2:30) yet the buffet was attentively kept clean and fresh food came out to replace any completed or tired dishes. There was a nice variety of authentic dishes. This was definitely not just full of pasta and pizza as there were chicken, fish and beef dishes along with others.
Assorted Buffet Lunch Items

I had a lovely Caesar Salad (peeking out under the zucchini), thinly sliced roasted zucchini with Parmesan shavings, a nice capellini and tomato cool pasta, and a mini chicken sandwich. I couldn't tell if it were fish or chicken in it before taking it, and it was quite good with a slice of oven roasted chicken breast inside which looked like it was sliced off a whole bird. The restaurant was still pretty full of people even at the late lunch hour. It was a very pleasant experience and a wonderful mid-day break from the usual bustle.

Previously reviewed:
November 22, 2006

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