Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Blog!

On Saturday, August 16, 2003 I began this blogging journey. What a pleasant surprise this journey has been. And how 5 years has flown by! What seemed to be a 'solitary' endeavor has brought new friends and experiences, such nice bonuses! Apparently I enjoy doing this! Many tanks to Blogger for making this easy and providing the server space to host my food and life musings.

photo credit: iStock photo


  1. Happy 5th birthday, and here's to many more! I love reading your blog and visiting the restaurants you review. Today is my 33rd wedding anniversary, so August 16th must be a good day!
    All my best,

  2. Happy, happy.
    Wow, five years! You're an early adopter.

  3. Congratulations. Five years!!!

  4. Anna, happy blogging anniversary! Your reviews are a good resource for all of us in the "foodie" community!

  5. OMG1 Congrats! That's really quite a milestone. Any wishing you many more!
