Thursday, August 07, 2008

After while...


Crocodile was what attracted Colin to the Lemon Tree Hotel in Santa Barbara. A peppy little place indeed. We enjoyed both a light dinner, and a breakfast there.

Crocodile carving

It was quiet, perhaps the big wooden crocodile on the counter was too scary for the kids? Or maybe it was because we were on the late side for dinner.

Coconut Prawns

Colin loved his Coconut Prawns.

Roma Spaghetti

And I thought the Roma Spaghetti quite good as well. It was fresh and light with fresh tomato bits and tender basil leaves.

Lemon Tree Benedict

Colin was quite certain of his choice in the morning, Lemon Tree Benedict. He said the ham slices were particularly good, and the artichoke topping made him happy too. He chose some fresh and perfectly ripe fruit for the side.

California Omelet

I was attracted by the California Omelet, with tomatoes and other tasty bits inside with a fan of avocado topping the sour cream. It was good, and the potatoes had some spiciness which promoted them to outstanding status.

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