Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Splitting allowed


Dad and I went to Toast the other morning, ok late morning for a meal. I say a meal since I was in the mood for breakfast, and Dad for lunch. Luckily, Toast is easily able to allow for such meal splitting!

Toast Signboard

Of course we checked the signboard for specials before entering. And lucky for us, since this is a very popular Mill Valley place, we were cheerfully seated right away.

Wild Mushroom and Asparagus Omelet

I stuck with breakfast plans and ordered an asparagus, wild mushroom and havarti omelet. It was fabulous, and I think that the mushrooms were cremini. This tasted as good as it looked, and smelled.

Turkey Burger

Dad wanted lunch, so he opted for the turkey burger with salad. He said it was great, but the portion was too much to eat at one sitting!

Previously reviewed:
March 4, 2007

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