Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Arugula flowering

Happenings in the neighborhood. Well, very close to home I have to report that my arugula has well and truly 'bolted', in fact it's flowering. Since I have never seen an arugula flower, I thought it worth documenting. My house has also become a veritable viili factory. It's too easy to make, and thank goodness it's delicious so that it disappears just about as fast as I make it.

Rafter's temporary closure

Further afield, it looks like Rafter's in San Rafael is having a temporary glitch in their operations. Must have served an underaged person or some such thing -- my speculation entirely as I have no idea why the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control would put such an ugly notice up. Hopefully they will be open again soon as it did have a happening bar for socializing. Closer to home in Sausalito, I noticed "For Rent" signs on Christophe's windows, and some big green posted on its door. I didn't have time to stop and read, and their website is silent on what is happening. That was a really warm and friendly place with a real French atmosphere which will be missed greatly if they are closing.

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