Sunday, January 13, 2008

West End Cafe Deli & Market

Sunny breakfast.
Don't know how I missed this one. Dad & I had a leisurely breakfast at the West End Cafe Deli & Market after one of his appointments. Aside the deli area there is a large, narrow and very sunny dine-in room.

Denver Omelet

Dad wanted some ham in his omelet so the Denver omelet suited him perfectly. He enjoyed the potatoes and wheat toast with jam as well. The omelet looked fluffy with fresh ingredients peeking through.

Steve's Favorite

I tried Steve's Favorite, a potato frittata. The friendly waitress described it as a kind of 'egg pizza', and indeed it had that appearance. The pizza base was made of egg whites, onion, potatoes, spinach and mushrooms, and the topping was of fresh tomatoes and avocados. It came with a side of sour cream. Very impressive and I couldn't finish it; it was quite filling! The wheat toast was crunchy and fresh and this was a great breakfast find. Breakfast is also served all day here.

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