Sunday, January 06, 2008

Curbside Cafe

Bon voyage breakfast.
My frequent dining partner, and friend for more than ten years, Paul, is moving to Portland (this morning) so yesterday we had a little bon voyage breakfast in the city at the Curbside Cafe near on California near Fillmore in San Francisco. It was definitely a case of braving the elements as you can see from the photo, the storm had come back with some heavy rain.


I took a photo to memorialize the moment, and since he won't be here to be covertly trying the food with me in Marin, I'm sharing it here. Bon voyage Paul!

Eggs & Bacon with Dutch Crunch Toast

He chose to have bacon and eggs with Dutch crunch toast. The thickly sliced bacon looked mouthwatering, and he reported everything was simply delicious.

Eggs Florentine sans ham

I chose the eggs florentine, without the ham. The eggs were perfectly poached and tasted farm fresh. The home fries were also quite deftly cooked and were brown without having any burnt bits. This place has a French flair and looks like a good place to find a bowl of French onion soup at another time of day. Definitely a place to remember when breakfasting in the city.


  1. I'm sad for you to lose a dining partner to those northern folks but maybe you can visit him and eat well in Portland once he gets established...

  2. Sounds like a good plan. I'm a farther northern folk originally (Seattle) so it will seem almost like home.
