Friday, August 03, 2007


Macadamias with punch. Snacmacs by Brookfarm in Australia are quite a cool find. These macadamias have been seasoned just right with bush spices, including lemon Myrtle.

Mauna Loa has been so successful in associating macadamias with Hawaii, that I had no idea that this nut is actually native to Australia and is the only Australian food produced and exported in quantity.

I also had quite a surprise about some other nuts in my pantry. Apparently Brazil nuts have the most natural radioactivity of all foods! Take a look a this site, and scroll down the page to "Food" for comparison with other common foods.


  1. Hey Anna!! How are you? I could,t find your Email adress, so i decided to add a comment here. Hope you,ll read this :-)
    I recently mooved to Oslo with my boyfriend Arve (lived in trondheim for 8 years) I,m hoping to visit the Us next summer, and it would be really nice to see you again. Do send me a email

    Best regards.
    Lisbet Fredriksen

  2. Love the macadamia nuts. Thanks for this suggestion for another kind. Yum!

  3. Hiya cousin! Good to hear from you and I wrote an e-mail to you!

    Hi Anonymous -- I got these nuts at Woodland Market in Marin if you are nearby and looking for a source.

  4. Hi Anna,

    Yes, it is interesting that the Australian macadamia is better known in the US as the Hawaiian nut.

    We are now fast catching up on developing a whole new segment of the Australian food industry focusing on indigenous species. Lemon myrtle is one popular species and Wattleseed another.

    Hot on their heels are about 2 dozen other 'new' food from the world's oldest living culture - the Australian Aborigines. And many are now beginning to feature in US restaurants so lemon myrtle scented macadamias are only but the first step.
