Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Eating Rocks. I went to the central Sausalito waterfront the other day for lunch, and was meandering along the bay. It was such a pleasant day, the sun was out but not too hot, and there was a gentle breeze. I happened upon some unusual rock formations, rocks balancing in a way that nature probably didn't have a hand in. And not far from those rocks, I saw a man with a large rock resting on his forehead, and on top of an itsy-bitsy rock. I later found out this was Bill Dan, a man famous for Rock Balancing. I stayed and watched. It was so engaging, I completely forgot about eating, my eyes feasting upon the rocks. Again, Blogger wouldn't let me put the slide show into this post, so it is immediately above. So I bring you a no-food, but satiating post today.


  1. very cool...i have never seen that before.

  2. My husband loves balancing rocks and often leaves a trail of them wherever he goes. I have tried it and it is much harder then it looks, but very relaxing to try.
