Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dave & Mike's Restaurant

An old-fashioned community.
I happened into Dave & Mike's Restaurant for lunch yesterday, after having my curiosity roused every time I passed and read their tag line - "An Adult Day Care Center". Now what could this mean in Tiburon?


I soon found out. The menu showed a simple breakfast and lunch menu, and when I started to ask about Dave and Mike, the woman behind the counter motioned to the kitchen and said "Mike's cooking". Looking around I saw lots of memorabilia from years past, and besides the customers of middling years, there were definitely a couple who were more my father's contemporaries, who moved a little slower. Everyone seemed to be friends.

Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich

I ordered a teriyaki chicken sandwich. Care is taken with the food here, simple as it is. No transfats, french fries are cooked in rice bran oil, and grilled items in corn oil. The chicken breast was well seasoned and had a moist interior. I enjoyed spending my lunch hour time warped in another era, when people had time to listen and share in a community space, and all were graciously welcomed. There's more than food served here.


  1. Isn't that place great? I've heard that Mike (I think) is verrry funny, should you be so lucky as to engage him in a conversation.

  2. I didn't get to talk with him, but he popped out to talk with one of the customer's and really seemed to have a peppy personality! It is a great place, so simple people may pass it by, but it's the staff and care that makes it stellar.

  3. Yes, Mike is very funny and big talker. Ate there twice on our vacation. Great food, neat place.
