Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sausalito Gourmet Delicatessen

Italian taste explosion!
The other day I stopped into the Sausalito Gourmet Delicatessen for lunch on a sunny day, remembering their deck.

Beautiful patio

The deck is beautiful with all the flowers blooming, birds chirping and fountain flowing. It's a no-lose place on both the food and the relaxing atmosphere.

Prosciutto di parma sandwich with fresh mozzarella, fresh basil and fresh tomatoes and stuffed eggs

I ordered one of their newer creations, Prociutto di Parma sandwich with fresh mozzarella, tomato, and basil drizzled with oil and salted and peppered. Wow. Everything was cut fresh and sliced while I watched on the other side of the exotic European foods-containing case. I couldn't resist their delicious stuffed eggs that I had tried before. The woman who made my sandwich wished me in a happy lilting voice "Have a nice lunch" when handing me the tray. Simple things things like this have changed the course of history!

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