Saturday, April 07, 2007

Il Davide

Dinner on the run.
Wednesday night I had a meeting with the Marin Entrepreneurs at the Aroma Cafe, and little time between my Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment and the appointed time. Just at the parking lot outlet was Il Davide, which reminded me of a previous visit and how I wanted to blog the good experience there previously, but was sans camera. The interior is done in cheerful, earthy colors, with a beautiful mural on the lower dining area wall. And there was a wonderful guitarist playing Spanish guitar softly behind me.

Penne with Italian Sausage

The waiter was prompt, friendly and had a sense of humor. I ordered the Penne with Italian Sausage, Arugula, peppers and onions. My cheery waiter said as he was putting it down that it was so pretty I should take a picture of it, to which I replied "I will!". I did have to wonder if he saw me snapping the outside photo before I came in... I usually wait until after dinner so as not to give away my intent to write up the meal, but in the waning light, I took a chance for a better photo before I went in. My quite enjoyable meal was served and finished all within my alloted 30 minutes allowing me to be on time to my meeting around the corner. The well crafted penne was consistent with my positive visit the last time, and so I can unequivocally recommend this for an enjoyable dining experience.

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