Monday, July 04, 2005

4th of July!
And we're ready for it! Starting out this morning by making breakfast pizza -- fresh garlic & herb pizza crust covered with turkey ham, egg beaters and fontina cheese for a lighter version.

The weather is really beautiful! The forecasters were calling for 50-50 fog conditions tonight which could affect the fireworks, but I think we're going to be fine.

Noticing that my blog shows my life to have changed from exciting flying, sailing, world-view type adventures to more domesticity. I can be counted on to clip my wings for my family when necessary. And it has its own joys. I love to cook, but hate cooking just for myself. Since Dad's moved in it's been a 180-degree turn around so that I'm cooking home most of the time, despite our enjoyable forays out. Forensic evidence can be noticed just by observing the amount of dishwasher detergent that is being used. I was shocked to find that in about 2 weeks of Dad's moving in, I had used more dishwasher detergent than I had in the past 1 year! Ditto the dishwashing liquid.

11:08 p.m.

Miss Olivia, ever the hit of the party trying on the tiara I gave her.

Wow. What a wonderful party we had in Sausalito. Everything was perfect. The Chamber of Commerce contact greeted us and had two of the best tables available for us, in the shade, but yet dead center to the fireworks display and angled to have a decent view of the band. The band was great, and people were dancing and it was fun to see all the other inventive table decorations and feasts. Some were very fancy with real china and goblets - candles even. I would say ours was the most themed. I had a bright red table cloth and two centerpieces of red, blue & silver stars shooting out of three tiers. Everyone thought our party poppers were quite cool (I bought a box of 72!) -- a loud crack! and then streamers of curly ribbon flew out. The bubble gun also was a hit with bubbles floating over the crowd. We had lots of wonderful wine, and we all brought just the right combination of appetizers, fruit and chocolately things for a leisurely noshing. The temperature and weather held out just right. Neither too hot or cold, and the fireworks were lovely! After ours we're done, we could actually see San Francisco's and Oakland's starting -- lovely! This was a holiday to remember!

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